Homework Plan
Oso Grande Elementary School
Oso Grande Elementary School![]()
Oso Grande Elementary School
This plan complies with Board Policy 6154 and Superintendent’s Operational Letter #6.21 Guidelines for Homework.
2.6.1 Frequency and Average Amount of Homework
2.6.1 Frequency and Average Amount of Homework![]()
2.6.1 Frequency and Average Amount of Homework
Kindergarten and first grade will assign homework as appropriate with reading as an emphasis. Second, through fifth grade, students will average homework four days per week. It is acceptable that assignments be given over some weekends or holidays. Oso Grande teachers use the following general rule when assigning homework (multiplying the student’s grade level by 10 and adding 10 minutes).
§ Kindergarten: Approximately 10 minutes per day
§ First Grade: Approximately 20 minutes per day
§ Second Grade: Approximately 30 minutes per day
§ Third Grade: Approximately 40 minutes per day
§ Fourth Grade: Approximately 50 minutes per day
§ Fifth Grade: Approximately 60 minutes per day.
Consideration is given to differing student learning and ability levels in assigning homework. Assigned reading time of novels, etc, is in addition to the aforementioned time blocks.
2.6.2 Grade Weight of Homework
2.6.2 Grade Weight of Homework![]()
2.6.2 Grade Weight of Homework
In establishing the overall weighted grade of homework, the teacher will consider the purpose and value of the homework and the levels of support and resources available to each student. Homework participation will be reflected in the Work Habits/Study Skills section of the report card. Homework will not be included as part of the academic marks.
2.6.3 Homework Make-Up Procedures
2.6.3 Homework Make-Up Procedures![]()
2.6.3 Homework Make-Up Procedures
Illness/Excused Absences: Students will be given an appropriate amount of time, such as one day of make-up for one day of each excused absence, to complete their assignment(s).
Unexcused Absences: When a parent removes a child from school for any unexcused reason (i.e., vacation during the instructional week), it is the student’s responsibility to complete any assigned homework. All homework assignments will not necessarily be given in advance.
Late Work: Students will be encouraged to turn-in late or missing homework with at least partial credit given for work that is handed in within a reasonable time period.
Consequences for Chronic Late or Missing Work: The teacher of a student who is chronic with late and missing homework should have a plan of progressive consequences, which can include parent notification (note, e-mail, phone call, etc.) and a conference. The teacher may also notify the principal. The process may be documented through comments on the student’s report card and/or parent/teacher conference paperwork.
2.6.4 Guidelines for Appropriate Parent Involvement in Homework
2.6.4 Guidelines for Appropriate Parent Involvement in Homework![]()
2.6.4 Guidelines for Appropriate Parent Involvement in Homework
To help their children, all parents/guardians should:
- Provide a suitable place for study, free from distraction.
- Encourage their child and offer suggestions, but insist that the student do his/her own work.
- Participate eagerly in assignments that call for active parental involvement.
- Check to see that homework assignments are completed.
- Express interest in what the student is learning.
- Assist in balancing homework with other activities.
- Talk with the teachers if assignments seem to cause students continuing problems.
- Insist upon proper use and care of books and materials.
2.6.5 Means by Which Parents Will Be Informed about Expectations
2.6.5 Means by Which Parents Will Be Informed about Expectations![]()
2.6.5 Means by Which Parents Will Be Informed about Expectations
At the beginning of each school year, teachers will provide parents information regarding their classroom and grade level homework expectations and suggest ways parents may assist their children in completing homework assignments. Parents of children in the primary grades will be informed of homework assignments through teacher communications (newsletter, homework log, homework notebooks, assignment sheets, etc.) Grades 3, 4 and 5 will record their nightly and long-term homework assignments in their reminder binders/calendars, stored in their notebooks. Teachers will make themselves available to communicate individually with parents regarding homework issues and be open to appropriate modifications in assignments and expectations of a student’s work.
2.6.6 In School Procedures to Teach Study Habits
2.6.6 In School Procedures to Teach Study Habits![]()
2.6.6 In School Procedures to Teach Study Habits
Teachers will review with students and parents appropriate general study habits for successfully completing homework. Staff members will also prepare students for any special requirements for individual assignments, being certain that students have the study skills needed to master the academic content of the assignment.
2.6.7 Access to Resources, Materials, Assistance/Support
2.6.7 Access to Resources, Materials, Assistance/Support![]()
2.6.7 Access to Resources, Materials, Assistance/Support
It will be the teacher’s responsibility to be sure that students have access to resources, materials, and support needed to complete a homework assignment. Modification of assignments on an individual student basis may be needed for some homework assignments.
2.6.8 Coordination of Assignments, Tests Among Teachers
2.6.8 Coordination of Assignments, Tests Among Teachers![]()
2.6.8 Coordination of Assignments, Tests Among Teachers
Teachers will work together as a grade level to coordinate the dissemination of assignments and tests to ensure they are standards content-driven and conform to 2.6.1 (see above).
2.6.9 Procedures for Informing Students of Link Between Homework Assignment and Standards
2.6.9 Procedures for Informing Students of Link Between Homework Assignment and Standards![]()
2.6.9 Procedures for Informing Students of Link Between Homework Assignment and Standards
Teachers will review their homework policy, including expectations and grading, with students during the first few days of school. Teachers will inform students of the relationship between a homework assignment, the individual objectives and overall curriculum goals of the content standard(s) to which the assignment is linked. This information will be stated at the beginning of a lesson or upon assignment of the homework.
Homework Guidelines for Students
Homework Guidelines for Students![]()
Homework Guidelines for Students
To successfully complete homework, all students should:
- Listen carefully to all directions regarding homework.
- Ask questions if the assignment is not clear.
- Take advantage of opportunities given the begin assignments in class so the teacher is accessible if questions arise.
- Keep a notebook record of all assignments, including due dates and other specific requirements, and take home all necessary materials.
- Have a definite time and space for study, free from interruptions, and with appropriate working materials.
- Budget time wisely.
- Begin assignments promptly and turn them in when due.
- Strive for best results, rather than the minimum.
- Take the initiative to make up any work missed.
- Study independently unless a group or family project is assigned.
- Do their own work. Refrain from copying from other students’ work or the Internet.
Types of Homework
Types of Homework![]()
Types of Homework
- Practice Homework: Students will be taught a skill at school and then be expected to practice this skill as a homework assignment.
- Preparation Homework: Student may be asked to think about an idea for homework prior to systematically studying about it in class or to collect information as background for something they will study in class.
- Elaboration/Extension Homework: Students may be asked to elaborate on what they have learned or make connections using their knowledge-base.
- Makeup Homework: Students may need to complete class assignments or homework to make up for absences.